Individualised Learning

At Ainslie Parklands Primary School, regular and thorough assessment is completed to ensure that staff understand the child’s level of understanding of each topic according to the Victorian Curriculum. Individual learning is then designed by the teaching team to progress the student’s learning from that point.
The partnership between parents and staff is crucial in children achieving their best outcomes, and therefore learning goals and strategies are revised and communicated to parents each term through an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every student who attends the school.
Staff will identify the learning required to progress to the next level, formulate a goal and list strategies that will be employed to reach the goal. Communicating these goals to parents on a regular basis gives parents clarity and the opportunity to reinforce and support what is happening at school.
If you would like to learn more about how Ainslie Parklands Primary School supports individual learning for all students, please contact the office on 9870 1566.