
At Ainslie Parklands Primary School, we are committed to focusing on the wellbeing of our students. As such, we implement a comprehensive Wellbeing program. We believe that the relationships in a student’s life, both at school and at home, can have a profound influence on their mental health, self-esteem and sense of belonging. We aim to empower our students with the language and skills to equip them to confidently navigate the ups and downs of their relationships. This allows them to better focus on their classroom studies. 

We are implementing our school values: 

Respect, Responsibility and Resilience 

By embedding them into all that we do. 

We use the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework as reference and reminder to cultivate our values for positive and respectful relationships between students and staff. The framework unifies school communities to create a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. It aims to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for our students. 

Pages showing how school values are implemented

The Friendology program provides explicit teaching of practical skills and friendship knowledge to establish and maintain healthy relationships, manage conflict with kindness, and increase their overall resilience. It gives our students the language to work through the ups and downs of their friendships and their feelings. 

Research shows that relationships are the heart of wellbeing & learning. When we get friendships right in schools, children flourish! 

Get ready to hear terms such as ‘friendship fire’ to describe conflict, ‘talk it out’ as a way to resolve conflict and the acceptance that every friendship is different and unique. 

The Zones of Regulation is a helpful visual used to categorize the different ways we feel as we move through the four coloured zones. Students refer to the zones as they become increasingly aware of their emotions. They are encouraged to recognise when their feelings are rising towards to ‘red zone’ and guided to self-regulate towards the ‘green zone’ with calming strategies discussed during class time. 

The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) curriculum is implemented throughout the year at Ainslie Parklands Primary School as part of our Wellbeing program to help students learn social and emotional skills to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. 

The RRRR learning materials include 8 Social and Emotional Learning topics across all levels of primary and secondary education: 

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR)
  • Emotional Literacy 
  • Personal Strengths 
  • Positive Coping 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Stress Management 
  • Help Seeking 
  • Gender and Identity 
  • Positive Gender Relationships. 

A growth mindset is encouraged at all times by both students and staff at Ainslie Parklands Primary School. Those with a growth mindset tend to see challenges as opportunities and acceptance to grow. They understand that they can improve their abilities by pushing themselves to try again. By practising a growth mindset, our resilience and ability to get through challenges can be greatly improved. 

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