PE (Physical Education)
Physical Education is an important for children's mental, physical and social development. Through the PE program at Ainslie Parklands Primary School children learn to develop their fine and gross motor skills, teamwork and discipline. Our PE program aims to teach healthy habits to stay fit and healthy for life.

All students (Foundation to Grade 6) participate in our Physical Education Program.
From Foundation to Grade Two Physical Education focuses on fundamental motor skills and positive attitude to sport. This involves basic movement patterns that are the foundation to many sports, running, jumping, balance, throwing and catching. Students learn to follow direction, to move safely and to work cooperatively.
As students' progress to Grade 3-6 students add to their foundational skills by learning, game strategies and playing team sports including netball, basketball, tennis, soccer and football to name a few. The students also learn about and participate in athletics.
Opportunities at Ainslie Parklands PS:
- Lunch time sports club (weekly)
- Whole school swimming program
- Sports In Schools Workshops
- District Cross Country (Age 10+)
- District Athletics (Age 10 +)
- Inter-school Sport (Grades 5 & 6)
Sporting facilities at APPS:
- Indoor basketball court
- Two outdoor basketball courts
- School oval